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ah yes, the polyamori space gays


Deleted 2 years ago
(1 edit)

I couldn't put down this cute game until I got the True Beginning. <3

So incredibly cute, I love the art and the story <3 

Such a clean presentation. Love the art style and story. The ability to change outcomes with the rewind button is really cool, especially with the characters acknowledging what happened.

Ok so I got the nil ending and true beggining but how do you get the space ending

kiss space!


Short, sweet and so cute! Like Time I just kept thinking 'there's got to be a way to make it better!" and... well, without spoilers, it was worth getting all the endings!

finished the nil ending and now i dont wanna get any other ending since itd be like betraying nil.


almost a full day of thinking and i started praying for there to be a ending where both nil and space are happy because if there wasnt then i would truly be betraying nil.

there is such an ending, i am fulfilled, all of the cute girls are happy, i have reached enlightenment.

There is, I'm not sure if there's another way to do this, but if you, AFTER getting the nil ending, go to "Memories" and go to the last page. Once you do this, select "Partially erase memories". This unlocks new dialogue. Pick all the bottom options until you're at scenes you haven't seen any version of, like Time and Space staring at each other lovingly, with Space's hands on Time's shoulders. At this point, just do what you want, leaning toward a good ending of course. I might be missing some things or mixing up some things so go ahead and experiment with details I haven't covered.

Hey Nami. I absolutely loved "Her Tears Were My Light" and how it combines girl romance with the story of the creation of the universe.

The artwork is really sweet and beautiful :3

I would love to see a second part about the ending of the universe, regarding the different ways a relationship can end.

Have a nice day :)

Got all endings and memories, this was truly an awesome story and game :3 

Just oh my god I playing through and got True Beginning after a little bit I NEED MORE PLEASE i understand its alot of work but if you have a chance to i hope you might make a second one! ^^

i want a "her tears were my light 2"! IT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL PLEASE DO A SECONG ONE PLEASEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!


this is sweet, lovely, interesting, and frightfully creative.  spectacular work, easily one of the best visual novels ever made!!!


I played the space ending first and was like "oh how cute!" then i went wth nils ending aND MY HEART BROKE OMG




I love the concept of this game, but kind of screwed myself over. I got the true ending in one go, and can't bring myself to restart everything to see the other endings. I think DDLC and it's Purist Mod left a mark on me with messing with save files and data, so I'm stuck with myself. ;__;


I'm still playing DDLC, and I fell like I'll regret it 0.0

One of the best games i've ever played! +1 for everything in this game!
I'm the type who isn't ignoring, hurting any type of girl to girl or boy to boy romance! This was a really enjoyable game!



Um, how to get all of the endings? So far I only got "Space Ending" and "True Ending" yet there are 3 endings!!!! Please help me ;-;

You have to listen to nil's side of the story. Then you have to like accept her, and stay. But after that that's it. Those are the 3 endings.


I played this some months ago ;; I really loved it, its just too cute orz

Great replay-ability and beautifully designed characters! Loved it 


the arts and graphics are awesome!!! and the concepts and storyline is spectacular!!
i just wish for more... wish it was longer, but i luv it.. nice game <3

Oh my god!!! I just love is to death! this is very, very awesome! I am in shock on how amazing this is!


Awesome, if there is a DVD version I would certainly buy it.


Loved it! I also posted a lets play :) 

Took me 1 hour to find the best ending...and I like that

Deleted 4 years ago

thank you for playing my game! i'm glad you enjoyed it. however it's very sad for me to hear you're not a fan of "girl to girl romance" considering... that's what the whole game is about. i've gotten a lot of comments like this over the years from well-meaning people, but it always feels bad, because to me, when someone feels the need to include that, it implies that enjoying gay media is somehow shameful, and they want to distance themselves from it. i know you didn't mean any harm by it, i just wanted to express my feelings, especially since more people might listen and be able to go forward and not continue the same behavior. thanks again!

(1 edit) (-1)

Actually quite sweet story (with some horror element), but its name sounds so sadistic xD

Like Time and Space are a BDSM couple and Time is a dom xD

I love this game so much, it's absolutely adorable

I really enjoyed this. I really like games that make reseting a key feature of the story.

Big fan of this type of story so I am glad I slent all the time I could with it.

I thought iv'e played lovely games but i came across this and i was mistaken my whole life! I'd recommend this to everyone staring at this game and i will recommend this to my friends anf family!

wowee the ending stopped me from ever replaying this game again /_\ <3


This was such a sweet game! I just feel like it was forcing the whole Nil thing, and it gave more time for the player to connect with Space instead. It adds more development and character to Space, and opts out to give Nil a sad backstory we're supposed to pity and fall in love with. I really did love this visual novel though, it had a great art style and story!

The cheesy things you would just fall in love with ❤️


very cute!!! I really enjoyed getting to know the characters even though it was a short game. the art was great and I loved all the little design details, like Space crying stars and them having cut out symbols for their respective ideas. adorable little wlw game, great job!!

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