A downloadable game for Windows

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DREAMING TREAT is part 5 of the LONELY WOLF TREAT series. please play the others before this one! the story is best experienced in order.

this is the story of a very eventful summer for treat, mochi, and moxie. mochi starts a garden! treat starts having strange dreams! and moxie starts working in the nearby witch town! things are peaceful on mount sorbet, but where will it all lead...?


it takes about an hour to play through from start to finish. there are some alternate paths you can take during the story, though the ending will always be the same. it took almost a year to make this game! sorry for the wait, everyone!

thanks as always! please enjoy <3333


  • art+story+music - NomnomNami
  • special thanks to DarkChibiShadow for letting me borrow their OCs!

~ translations ~
Español - macafake
Русский - Project Gardares
한국어 - KyleHeren
Tiếng Việt - minhvipkk
简体中文 - Polaris + Mimosa

full series collection  |  side stories and spinoffs

you can own! a treat shirt!!! WOW!!!!!


  • 7/22/2021 - added chinese translation (last updated 6/18/2022)
  • 5/30/2019 - added vietnamese translation
  • 1/3/2019 - added spanish translation
  • 11/16/2018 - updated korean translation
  • 11/13/2018 - added korean translation



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Click download now to get access to the following files:

treatrpg5.zip 221 MB
treatrpg5.zip (RTP not included) 32 MB
dreaming treat soundtrack 19 MB
treatrpg5.rar (Español) 32 MB
Сны Лакомки.7z (Русский) 27 MB
treatrpg5.zip (한국어) 33 MB
treatrpg5.zip (Tiếng Việt) 223 MB
treatrpg5.zip (简体中文) 40 MB
dreaming treat art collection 24 MB
if you pay $3 USD or more


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Cici sells seashells by the seashore.

i'm in love with this game <3<3<3

i think she is scared

Did Moxie's fur and hair change color for the same reason that owl's hair did? (I forgot the owl's name sorry :( )

I absolutely love this series and Dreaming Treat was a beautiful addition! I really enjoy finding easter eggs and small details and noticed while playing that the leftovers Treat can take to eat at work has no description in the item menu, is this intentional, accidental, or just a bug? I know it's pretty insignificant but I'm sorry I have to know!
Nerdy nitpicking aside, the visuals, character designs, music, and story-telling are all so beautiful and really complement each other to stir up so many emotions. Thank you for the amazing works!

oh, thank you for pointing this out! i don't know why i didn't write a description for that when everything else has one... i'll add it in the future.

glad you enjoyed this game! it's my favorite chapter of this series :)

I'm really happy that treat confessed! I'm really sad about the garden though = (


Oh no! Our garden! It's ruined!

I kinda think its good that I am late, cause I have next game to play~ xD


i think its funny that when i first started playing this game series, i didnt like it because it didnt make sense to me, "a girl dating a girl??" but now im here today, gay and trans and have neos!! now i've realized that i was just confused lol!! i love this series so much yo!! <3


i'm so happy to read this! thanks so much for playing my games, and i'm glad you were able to figure yourself out!!

faz uma tradução portugues :D* seus jogo são os melhores

(1 edit)

Se você procurar no youtube tem algumas gameplays em português desses jogos que estão em inglês ainda, caso queira saber o restante da história xD

(sei que tem do Clever Fox Moxie até agora)

Time to replay it so i don't forget the story

Aw such a cute interface. Nice work. 😇

(1 edit)

HOW CUTE!!!I love this game so much.But my English suuuuucks and I hope there will be a Chinese version.

the chinese translation was just finished! hope you enjoy :)

Thanks!!I will always support you and your games :)

(1 edit)

The interactions with Danny made me smile. I can't wait to see what the future holds for them.

By the way, what is the significance of Trick appearing at the moon ceremony? Does Treat have feelings for them too?

I am Japanese. I have a request. Will you prepare a Japanese translation?

I can't put in the number of tickets even if i try tapping my screen

cute story

really good story :) well done :)


the garden :(


How did you program this game, see, I am looking to convert my batch game into a more advanced code script


it's so fantastic to see good polyamorous characters. 


My full playthrough video on this game. Please give it a view, share the video, give it a like & follow my social medias.

Me encanto uwu jugarlo..

hola disculpe no puedo jugar el juego dice que debo hacer un registró de virus y lo reinstale pero ya lo hice 5 veces con los otros juegos si me abre alguien que me ayude porfavoz mandeme correo a paatesli55555@gmail.com


I made video :3

Maybe you can make another part for The Lonely Wolf Treat Series, about those friends going to the beach again, a bigger one.


When did treat and moxie spend the night? and why moxie's hair is different?!


I'm assuming her hair is different because of the seasons changing.


Check her status in the beach. Also delicacy is small side story and also nsfw

oh, i'll check it :)

português plz!!!

Deleted 4 years ago
(1 edit) (+7)

you got all the way to this one then stopped? and you didn't notice how gay it was before now?? also why does it make you uncomfortable. seems a little homophobic to me bro


gayest game I've ever played


i cant stop playing these games. you are making my life worth while


who where gunna speed run this amazing game i will(unofficially)

When I open the game, a message appears saying that it has a virus and I cannot open it :(

just click more info and then run anyway


girlfriends girlfriends girlfriends!



Is this made using RPGboss?


nah i haven't heard of that, i use rpg maker vx ace.

(1 edit) (+1)

I use RPGBoss and.... I haven't completed any game yet, I don't even know how the f to make assets for it, It's like and RPGMaker for poor people like me :'D

Don't worry fellow rando! I will find how the fuck frick to make a game with it and I'll answer your questions!!

Btw loved that username lol

Yeah, I thought the maker used it because of the title screen

I wish you luck making games cocotongo! Never give up, think like Moxie!


Man I'm a mix between Mochi and Moxie in real life, if I be cute, I'll be the top cutest 😎

epic! lol I almost misspelled that.

So excited to be playing one of your games again! Can't wait to play Mochi in Frosting next!!! 

I can't tell you how long I've been with you for your games but I will say you still don't disapoint me I hope you continue to make more ;-;

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