chapter 8, part 2 - release note

OMG i made it on time... i'm so happy to be able to share this update with you guys.

the new story content is ALL chapter 8 stuff. no progress on the alternate endings since last time.

i don't actually have much to say this time, other than... the future of this series is bright! we're almost at the end now!! with that said, i'm planning a lot of things for the epilogue... chapter 8-3 is going to wrap up the story (aka huge lore dump incoming), and then the epilogue will let you explore the whole world and talk to everyone. i expect it to take a long time to make, but it'll be fun, too... i'm very excited.

thank you everyone for your patience with me as always, and i hope you enjoy phoenix's section of the story!!!

<3 nami

Get Lonely Wolf Treat: The Complete Series


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Hurry up and update, release the game to Steam quickly, I will do anything for this



lesbium :3


This update was amazing as always!!!! Im always excited for new treat updates, and this one in particular was very warm <3
i love baby trick and i would sell all of my earthly possessions for them.. the music in the middle of the chapter made me nearly burst into tears also


I was wondering if you had any plans to release LWT merch again? I got a couple shirts a while back from your redbubble but they faded a lot and I'd love to get more!


no CURRENT plans, but future plans  yes :) i'll let everyone know when stuff is available!

I still don't play it, i want to play it as soon as part 3 comes out, while now i'm avoiding spoilers


Thank you <3




I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!!! AAAAAAH!!!! :D I can hardly contain myself I'm so excited, you've worked so so hard on this, and MAN I love this series. 

Thanks so much, Nami, for gifting us such a wonderful story. <3




I'm so excited for this development! Your hard work is truly recognized and I am proud of the accomplishments that you have made. Good games take time and I am so excited for this delicious treat! ^^


Treat, you say. I see you, I see what you mean


delicious treats and tricks(pepe emote)
