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This game was so cute i loved it so much it is amazing i am definitely going to check out your other games, i hope there will be more games like this one.


Thank you for creating this!

It was really cute and touching and realllyyyy addicting to read. I love the characters and like, the option to accessorize Peri was nice. 

Really makes me want to come out to friends and family, so thank you for your work! I'm looking forward to what you'll create next.

I was wondering if you have a concrete date on when the soundtrack and outbook will come out? I'd love to get a copy of them <3 thanks.


i'm gonna be working on them this week, so they should be up by march 6th! thanks for playing!! (and if you decide to come out i hope it goes well...!) <3


This is the first of your games i found and i have to say it's one of the most adorable games i've played and i'll definitely check out your other games.


pls my heart cant take this... it was amazing <3


this is just "dealing with the fact i'm very fucking gay: the visual novel" and i'm enjoying

same lol




is pretty in pink going to be uploaded somewhere?? i would like to listen to it


omg i'm so glad other people shipped them before i made this, it wasn't just me..! yessss

and yes it will! not sure when or where but it definitely will :)


Hi! First of all, i'm sorry if you don't understand what i'm saying, i speak spanish not english.  I can read it quite well, but not write or speak it, so i'm using a translator, how sad 😅

This is the first time i leave a comment. I just had to do it.

Where to start? I've played many visual novels throughout my life, but this is one of my favorite, if not my favorite.
The story was simply perfect. I went through every possible emotion reading this.

I am 22 years old, and reading this i felt like a little girl falling in love for the first time.

The story was amazing. The characters, their designs and expressions are beautiful! I loved their personalities.

I loved seeing the interactions between the characters, how the relationship progressed. Seeing how the main character realized he had fallen in love was so cute. The whole date scene, where they spend the day together talking to end up in bed, but sleeping, was beautiful. I was just like "awww so cute" every time they moved forward (even when their conversations were anything but innocent lol)

THE ART. The pictures are beautiful!!! I loved them. The art in general is beautiful. You even put effort into the little details, so cool.

The extra scenes and chapters made me very happy, seeing moments of their relationship was beautiful. 

The final song, "pretty in Pink", was beautiful too. When I finished reading the whole story i started looking at the illustrations with that song in the background, and I got teary eyed (i'm so sensitive, I just felt sad because it was over)

I've said too much (with my poor english) and yet I feel like I fail to express how much I loved this visual novel. 

I'm going to end by saying how much I loved your work with this game. I can say that I have become a fan, that I will go try your other games and that I hope to see more of your games in the future! 

Many successes in whatever you do <3

PD (english speakers use PD?): I hope the translator helped me🙏🏻


thank you so much for playing..!! (and your english was perfectly fine by the way!)

your comment makes me so happy... ohhh i'm so glad you enjoyed the game so much! and i hope you have fun with my other games too! i really love making them, so i'll keep producing more and more <3 thank you!!


i havent played the game yet but i seriously gotta say i love the idea of the two witch boys and it being a simple visual novel. The artstyle is really cute to and the dialouge so far is pretty realsitc, also i love the options to customize, great job xD

I would love you so much if you made a continuation of this. I got so attached to this story!


Nami, you've done it again!
This game was a joy to play through.

Periwinkle is a very fun main character to follow - he's confident and exuburent without being arrogant or insensitive, so I was never annoyed by him, and really wanted to keep reading about him and to find out what happened to him.
Plus, it's always wonderful to see characters like him who fearlessly and proudly live in a way that makes them happy, rejecting oppressive gender roles.

It was also wonderful to see Pastille again. After reading about him in your game 'Syrup and the Ultimate Sweet', it felt really rewarding to go much deeper into his personality, to see sides of him we hadn't seen before, and to develop him much more.

All the other characters were very engaging and fun, too - so many varied personalities, but all interesting and all helping to make the game's story and world feel richer and more interesting.

I kept playing this game all the way through to the end in one sitting, because I was so entranced by the story. It's a fairly simple romance story, when you think about it, but you wrote it so well, with so much emotion, so much humour, so many skillful changes in mood, and with such a beautiful, heart-warming tone.
I felt like I had just got out of a warm, refreshing bath after finishing this story!

Plus, it's nice to see you getting bolder in the writing of sexual scenes! Your games have often had a sexy, suggestive edge to them, but this one got downright steamy at parts! It was very enjoyable.

What I particularly enjoyed about this story was its length. I know you've said in the past that people have expressed disappointment that some of your games don't go on for long enough, that they want to spend more time in the worlds that you've created. Well, it seems like you've really taken those comments to heart, because this game is a lovely long length! Several chapters long! It really felt like we were going deep into the story, deep into the characters, deep into relationships, and it made the whole experience feel so much more substantial and satisfying!
I understand that it's harder to come up with a nice long story without letting it drag or get boring, especially when you're making your games mostly by yourself, so I am very grateful that you put in the effort to do that here! Thank you.

I also really liked the music. It was gentle, sweet and warm - it really helped set the story's tone. Having it done in that old fashioned, '16-bit' sort of style (or however you'd describe it!) was very nice to me - it helped give a simple, comfy feel, and it reminded me of the music from old games I played as a kid (games like 'Simon the Sorcerer', for example).
You also made skillful use of silence, too. Periods of silence can be a useful tool in helping to set moods in visual novels, and you used them well.
And, of course, how could I forget the ending song? Thank you to Jake Bellissimo, he did a good job! That was something new that I don't think I've ever seen in one of your games before!

The illustrations are very good, too. Your pictures of the characters are adorable, as always - simple, but very expressive and skillfully done - especially in the more detailed scenes that pop up from time to time.
The backgrounds look lovely, too. Some might object that they look too simple and could be more detailed, but I think that the way they are fits the warm tone of this game better. The backgrounds might get distracting, cluttered, and not as warm and friendly, if they were more detailed.

So, again, well done on this game and thank you for making it! I'd never read anything about Periwinkle or his life before this, but you made me care enough about him to make me play through hours of story, all through to the end, in just one sitting!


gosh, thank you..! i was smiling so much while reading all of this, i'm so happy you enjoyed my game!!

in response to the length thing specifically, i really surprised myself with this one..! i was overflowing with so many ideas i never wanted to stop ;o; i guess this is the difference between being excited about a project versus being truly passionate about it... i hope i can capture this energy for future projects as well. i had a blast making this, i'm so happy to finally share it!

thank you again for sharing all your thoughts!! i appreciate it so much <3


hii, can this game be translated into spanish? <3


yes, i'm talking to people about translations right now! it will be a while before they're finished, but definitely one day!

Oh great!! And your other games are they Spanish? because I would love to play one

i think most of them have spanish translations, yes! please enjoy~

muchas gracias, los jugare <33


im not done but JKSLFJKDSLJF:DSJKFL:SDJFKDLS its so great so far and adorable <33

(1 edit) (+1)

This was so amazing!! I already loved both Pastille and Periwinkle so to see them both in something (especially something so cute) was very nice!


A perfect love story with perfect boys.




This is so cute and perfect. I ended up staying late to finish it and loved every minute with the darling boys. It was a very welcome surprise at a very busy and stressful time for me. 


Nami, this is amazing!! Everything about this is so special and the ending had me in tears. I love how all your stories are connected and we get to see the lives of multiple characters. You are such an inspiration to me!!


thank you so much!! i really love writing stuff like this so i'm very glad it's being received so well..! thank you for playing~! <3


I haven't even played this and already the immediate thought I had when I checked this update was "PASTILLE".

So we know this is gonna be amazing. can a game be this cute???


This time, I have absolutely no word about how well this is.

I always hope you would do more of this :)

omg this is so cute!


aaa this is so sweet

we got really emotional reading this <3


I wasn't expecting this but I am pleasantly surprised, will reply to this comment when I finish the game. 

Okay, this was so cute beautiful and I was really feeling down today and this made me so happy just thank you for this experience I- 

This game made me laugh and made me love Pastille even more. Thank you, this game is so good. AND THE SOUNDTRACK IS JUST FABULOUS. And, I now love Periwinkle this game made me so happy thank you. 

I play on phone and not computer and since today I have wwillbe with my sister and my aunt today cause my parents are leaving I won't have access on computer to play so guess I'll miss this 😅 but I'm excited to play once I'm allowed to use my computer!

(10 edits) (+1)

It started slow, things "went too well" I thought.
"Super gentle, but no pang !".
Then before I knew it, I had wet cheeks ^^'

Although I still think your protagonists are "too perfect" in a way. Where are their inner violence and selfishness ? I didn't see them at all - they were like... Too good to be true ? But I like this about your games too - I just wonder if I'd like them more with a little more of "flawed individuality" or "unrequited feeling" cramed into it !

You totaly overdid the cute arts scenes BTW, theses should be forbidden ; I don't get "museum arts" exibits, but I know I could watch yours all day with a grin "gaaah" :D


I don't know if it's really fair to call Nami's protagonists "too perfect". I don't think characters have to be nasty or selfish to be realistic - not everyone is like that.

I understand that conflict is what causes drama in stories and makes the stories interesting, and having flaws in charcters can help create conflict. However, a character can still be flawed without being selfish or nasty. For example, quite a bit of conflict is caused in 'Starry Flowers' by Periwinkle being confused by new feelings and experiences that he doesn't know how to deal with - his inexperience, and his inability to recognise his feelings and face up to them, are flaws in his character. And this depth is given to him without needing to give him negative qualities. Plus, as another example, we have Pastille unsure of what to do because of how others perceive him. This depth and conflict to his character, and his story, comes about from outside forces, and not from making him nastier or stupider or anything like that - because Nami doesn't need to do that!

I personally like to read about charcters who are decent, good people, but who nevertheless have interesting lives, and get into interesting conflicts and have to find ways to overcome them. I think a character can have depth and be a decent person at the same time.

(2 edits) (+1)

M'well it's kinda true for me too, because I love most of NomNomNami characters nonethelsess. But like, here, it felt especialy like idealized personas . The moxy/mochi/treat trio was too of course, but they fact they had a context of struggle hide it totally to my brain , and I'm just realizing it now trying to find examples to illustrate my thoughts >_<

>I don't think characters have to be nasty or selfish to be realistic

I did mention that, but I thought  it in a broader sense. You know, in a relative sense - because we all see life through our own individuality : everything we do is kinda "normal, within logic" to us, while what other's do  can often be percieved inexplicably good or bad (while it's just the normal "follow in" thing to do to their perception).

I don't know if I make sense >_<


Yay Periwinkle!! 💙

(1 edit) (+1)

I saw this in my feed and all I can say is absolutely adorable :3...then again all this art is making me smile >w<


Oh I super enjoyed this!! It was such a joy to see Peri appear again! The art and characters and cute clothing oh my, and the simple dress up option was fun every time! I also very much enjoy gushing over the adorable side characters.  You're doing amazing stuff :)


It was a pleasure to test this and give feedback and I am so glad to see it in it's full form now, WONDERFUL art, background, script, music, and all! THANK YOU NAMI!


Just finished playing, and I love love LOVE it!! This is such a cute and sweet game.

Periwinkle's struggle is so well written (and relatable), the chemistry between him and Pastille is sooo cute, and the ending is just heart-warming!!! 

Obviously the art is a treat too, and the music is lovely. I also loved the little dressup sequences! 

I can't say it enough, this is just the cutest and sweetest game!!! And I'm now sold on Periwinkle x Pastille as the true OTP.

Oh this is gonna be good.

Thank you very much for releasing a game right when i was feeling a bit down <3




quite unexpected, but is a game by nami, I can only expect something beautifull



uh, YES? this is adorable and wholesome content.


yessssssssss i missed pastille!! this looks so cute we stan lgbt vns


Eeeyy, this looks adorable!!!

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