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This game is like aggressively cute and I loved it!! I made a video about it too 

A really lovely game in many ways, but I can’t help asking . . . who are they eating? O.O x_x

(1 edit)

thank you so much for making this series. it has made me realize much about myself and i cannot thank you enough. it is incredibly cute and has found a perfect spot in my heart

good little game  :)

I really love the characters and their design. its very cute! A very excellent game :)

I've just recently discovered you and played through all of the LWT games and I am in love, thank you for making such excellent and adorable little games, Nami! <3 <3 <3


How to turn off sound please?

Usually the knob on your speakers will do.


(1 edit) (+1)

I demand more....


This game is simple, yet was entertaining to play! well worth the time

(2 edits) (+2)

Such a cute little game! I would love to play a continuation of this and spend more time with the characters. (And I've just seen that there are more to play!) Also, maybe I'm just a bit sensitive right now, but one part made me cry with its sweetness. Good work with this! Thank you for including it in the Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality. : )

(Also awesome that it's available in so many languages!)

How dare you do this to meh! I was so into the story and then it ended TwT Good job btw it was a good art style and storyline :P


I made fan art of Treat on my DevientArt! I hope you like it!

Deleted 3 years ago

whenever I try to buy something it doesn't work but I love it


I very much love this series, im waiting for more

this has become possibly my favorite game series on all time it is the most adorable thing. 


What does RTP stand for?


This is the cutest game I have ever played

how I change the language of the game?

each language is downloaded separately, since rpgmaker doesn't have a feature to change between them.

you can find the different ones through the download page :)

I just played through the first game in this collection and I can't wait to see what the rest has in store! Your art is so good and I love how you've written the characters, also dat queer rep A+

I made a full playthrough YouTube video on this game. Please check it out, subscribe & share the video too! I also have social medias on my YouTube channel's about tab!

Such cute game I love can't wait to download the other ones keep it up!

Keep it up! I LOVE YOUR GAMES, and mostly the design and characters that you"ve created! thanks!

Para aquellos que no sepan cambiar el idioma unicamente hagan lo siguiente:

necesitan abrir el "Archivo" que está abajo del juego , borran la segunda línea del texto (en el block de notas) lo cierras das en guardar y pasas las carpetas faltantes de el juego a la versión en ESP (lo que son el sistema, sonido, graficos) (no se debe pasar todo, solo las carpetas que no se encuentren dentro de la carpeta del juego en español)

is there a full story?

Yep, in six parts. Here's the rest:



how do i get full screen

right click on the top of the open window, and get then to properties. After that, it should show you a box from where you can activate full screen when the game starts. Hope it helped!


Or just press Alt+Enter.

alt and enter...No that's not the close button..the closed button is ALT F4

i like it this game so cute games 


May I ask how you did the pixel art?

I hope this game update to indonesia

hola alguien q sepa como entar al juego ya que me dice que necesito RPGVXAce RTP


Me too, you just need to download a free software for run the games, take it here (take the version with RTP) :

Have a nice play !

hola gracias por la ayuda pero aun así no me da acceso para entrar al juego y tengo ganas de jugarlo muero por jugarlo sabes por que?

Do you have another error message ?

el mismo de siempre dice que un virus y me dice reinstalar la aplicación pero lo ajo pero me sigue diciendo el mensaje descargue el RPG Maker ace con TRP pero aun asi no me abre 

necesitas abrir el "Archivo" que está abajo del juego , borras la segunda línea del texto (en el block de notas) lo cierras das en guardar y pasas las carpetas faltantes de el juego a la versión en ESP (lo que son el sistema, sonido, graficos ETC.) (no se debe pasar todo, solo las carpetas que no se encuentren dentro de la carpeta del juego en español ya que si se pasa otra cosa el juego seguirá en inglés)

Hey, alguien sabe como pasarlo al español? extraje ambos archivos (el juego y el rtp) pero sigo sin poder ;((

necesitas abrir el "Archivo" que está abajo del juego , borras la segunda línea del texto (en el block de notas) lo cierras das en guardar y pasas las carpetas faltantes de el juego a la versión en ESP (lo que son el sistema, sonido, graficos ETC.) (no se debe pasar todo, solo las carpetas que no se encuentren dentro de la carpeta del juego en español ya que si se pasa otra cosa el juego seguirá en inglés)


can you please make this aviable to download on Mac please. The game looks like so much fun but I have a Mac so I ca't play it :(


I have been wanting to play this game for a long time, but I only have a mac so I can't play it. :< if there's anyway you can get it to where we can play on a mac I would really appreciate it, but if not that's ok too! :D


why are the rabbits racist, i need to know.


I'd be racist if that "race" was comprised of sentient, intelligent beings mostly resembling my "race" who didn't care about our sentience and HUNTED AND ATE US.

i guess that makes sense.

What version of RPG Maker was used to make this?
amazing game btw ^w^

i used vx ace! thanks for playing :)

bit emoish for me, but still cute overall, gg :)

Lonely Wolf Treat Collection when?

when all of the games are finished ;)



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