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I look forward to more awesome games, keep up the hard work & may you get many donation!

Whoa. This game is easily one of the most creative VNs I've played gameplay-wise. I am so glad I was not spoiled on how the mechanics work nor how to get what I assume is the best ending. This is way too brilliant for a free game. This is easily my favorite among your games, and that's saying a lot since I love all of them. Keep up the amazing work!

This is a very creative concept for a game, and it was executed perfectly with a heart wrenching story about two objects just trying to be together. You are clearly a very good storyteller and the art is just something I could gush over forever. I await your next game. 10/10 was okay.

It really felt like a lot of inspiration was taken from Undertale, this is not a bad thing however though. I really enjoyed it and just like in Undertale resetting made you feel bad but the one thing that was different from it and Undertale was it let you save everyone in the end which I've gotta hand it to the creators of this game because the ending was wonderful.

Go play this yourself if you haven't

I have a problem when extract files.

C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\ The archive is either in unknown format or damaged.

I tired to repair the files but it doesn't work.

hmm, try downloading the file again! if the dl was interrupted the first time things like that can happen


I can say how good the game was, but I rather say that you truly have a passion for making game.

Another fantastic game! I loved the storytelling in this one, the art (or for some reason I like calling it animation) was awesome, and the background music was pretty good as well, actually listened to it a bit after I was finished.

It might have been a short game, but wow was it good.

I adore this game so much! I love your art style, I love the creativity!

What font did you use for this game? Is it the same one used in the art collection PDF?

thank you! it's actually a korean font, the file was named 210Cherryblossom.

(1 edit)

Will you be doing a sequel at any point? Also, is there a way to save the backgrounds from the PDF as... well, actual full-size backgrounds?

no, i feel like the story is complete so it doesn't need a sequel. here's a zip of the backgrounds, they were drawn a little small but they'll probably still look okay stretched?

Where did you find the font, by the way? Googling the filename doesn't help... x.x

(2 edits) (+1)

Jesus, you pump these games out like it is nothing :D

So I read in your guide that it will be emberassing watching LPs ( a link of mine is in the end of the comment, for those who are interested) since this one was not about humor - tbh I don't know why; in my very personal opinion this is the best game you created I have played so far (Granted I have not played all of your games I still think it is worth being mentioned). Here is why:

- The art is awesome, espacially one characters design I really liked, but for spoilerific reasons I'll keep this out of here.

- The story was awesome (allthough a bit confusing, but that might have been on my part, since I misunderstood a few thinngs)

- Big compliments to the composer. I love the music you create yourself, but some tracks were so good I am sad they will only be used for such a short game^^

- And as always good writing style. Espacially in short games so much stuff feels often rushed and out of place, somehow in your games everything seems always organic. Or at least most of the time^^

- The Game got me thinking (sadly I did not mention that in the video so I do it here) I actually tried to stratigically figure out stuff and that is more than one can expect from a very short VN.

So all in all huge thumbs up. I hope you win that contest. And I hope you make a few more serious games in the future. I love your humor and all, but that was really well done!

My Let's Play:
Let's Play: her tears were my light (Visual Novel) - Time & Space In Love


Hi, I'm the composer! I'm a huge fan of Nami's games, and I'm open to collaborating with her again in the future, so hopefully you'll get to hear similar music in another game!

Oh cool, thank you for answering^^ I would love to see that.


I really loved your song for Nil by the way. It was the perfect mixture of creepyness and misteryousness.

Deleted 8 years ago

Ugggggh, this was so beautiful!!!

So so SO proud of you with this game and seeing everything all finished and put together is amazing...this game is incredibly polished and has such great atmosphere and designs and OOO NAMI YOU DID SO GOOD!

and again you kill me with a cute game nomi

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