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Another amazing game by the amazing Nami! I got all the endings, it was really sweet and the graphics are gorgeous.

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hello! can i ask how to get to chirval's ending? i couldn't find it on my own and it's the last one i need to complete the game, but there isn't anything about the three new endings in the guide. i really enjoyed the game by the way. i already played it when it first came out but now i'm replaying for the new routes.

ahhh, i know why i can't find it. i checked one of newer playthroughs to see how can i do it, but the option that leads to his ending is absent in the web version of the game!


10/10 i came here to kiss periwinkle and got what i wanted


Got all the endings... It's cute :3

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It's short and sweet and fun, could've been solid 3/5. But it's one of those games that makes you go “huh, this was done better somewhere else...”

The character designs are immeasurably cute. The “cutesy&funny gay Halloween game” thing was better done in the game Halloween House Party by gothcosmos, though, a game which I heavily recommend.  Not that both can't coexist, of course.

I liked most of the endings and characters. Though the Baezel ending is a bit awkward and feels more like the beginning of a long-lasting friendship than the start of a romance, mostly because Baezel looks like a baby, haha.

The lecture Marzipan gives to Chirval about how being fandom obsessed is totally normal and desirable feels a bit… I don’t know… out of place and preachy? I mean, some people take fandom to an extreme and foster toxic behaviour; they also neglect meaningful human interaction and use fandom as an unhealthy coping mechanism. So, being all “leave him with his anime bodypillow collection, he is happy that way” lands like even more of a thud because to get this scene you have to get the Baezel ending in which it’s pretty obvious Baezel isn’t all right with solitude and actually wants friends and maybe even romance and isn’t so happy being alone with his toys. It was as if the game developer was pulling me aside for A Very Special Episode. Just an observation.  

I enjoyed the Olog ending, but its sort of applicability to sex work? It was cool that there was no shame in it or anything of that sort for Marzipan, but the comparison between hiring a sex worker and selling your soul to the netherworld is... huh. 

Periwinkle the bisexual gender non-conforming fashionista was so cute, by the way!  

Usually, I have a favourite ending that becomes the “official” one for me, but I love the Chirval, Poffin, Jam, Vinegar, Periwinkle, and Strudel endings equally.

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hey, no offense, but i think that the lecture that marzipan gives chirval isn't about the fact that being a shut-in fanboy is perfectly okay, it's about the "what if he is ace, aro or maybe not into women", since chirval was trying to set him up with marzipan, so he can "mature" as an incubus, a creature that is known for being sexual. and sure, baezel has shown that he wants to have friends but it's unclear about romance, since he could just be okay to give her kiss as he was roleplaying and repaying her for help. i hope you have a good day ^^!

I love this game its so CUTE : o


This game looks so cute I can't wait to try it

Good gosh the art style is so amazingly cute! Donated, loved and will be sharing with all my friends. Thank you so much for this treasure


I have't played this yet but, I already know I'll probably love it! Just look at it, you really did an amazing job at making the game look really cute and well polished. I reckon I'll get stuck in this game and play non-stop. :)


omg this looks so cute!!! 


Adorable art and characters! I played till I got all 10 endings and Jam's one  was the best ;-;

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got all the ending BABYYYY, anyway it was a relaxing and more "friendly" game then other dating sim, and loving the art style and simple character, question: can I do anything about the demon girl?, suggestion: MORE ENDING, like the moth maid, or the high class milk and dark chocolate, and that's about it.

good job, fun game :D

edit: I realize the demon girl does NOT have an ending because of the witch contract or whatever....DAMN YOU WITCH XD

The hot demon girl is from another game!

Haven't gotten all the endings yet but omg this game is so cute!!! Love it so far :3


I loved the jam ending <3

I want the demon girl why would you torment me 

kiss=no kiss

first of all GOD I LOVE YOUR GAMES YOU ARE THE BEST, second, I am OBSESSED with Periwinkle AHHHHH IT'S SO CUTE 🥺, well, good luck with your games and keep it up, you are the best

this game is so cute!! i love it

it is a good game =3

i like it this game so amazing 

Gorgeous graphics! Well done.

i got all the endings, this was awesome! i wish i was able to kiss the demon girl but i'll take what i can get. very lgbtq friendly as well, 10/10


How do you get the bottom ending??????? I really want all of the endings and I already have all of them except the bottom ending. Im litterally so curious.


I just say it,i want to kiss and fuck the demon  girl,please arranging!!!




Horny Jail

really cute game!

Really nice and inspiring :>

Wowie! so cute and well made! ≧◡≦ (●´ω`●) (✿◠‿◠)

Got all 10 endings! Super cute game, really fun to play on a Halloween night when you can't go outside. I loved every single character and the art was really bubbly. Really great.

How do you get the ending at the very bottom of the endings page

The "bad" endings? Which of those have you gotten so far? It's been over two weeks since I played the game, so my memory is a bit foggy about the endings

Ive only gotten the bad ending where you leave the party cuz you really wanted to kiss a demon


If you still need to know: retreat to the snack bar and then choose to leave the party immediately.

one of my fav halloween games!! art and writing both so cute and amazing dawwww.. Take the cuteness warning seriously. I'll recommend going for Jam's ending last, it's so freaking adorable that other endings may look a biiiiit less appealing even tho they're great too.



Dude, I just went through and got all the endings! I fucking love all the characters, but my favorite one has got to be Jam. Her ending is so cute I-


ahh so cute!!

Super cute and awesome game!

This was sooooooo lovely ! I really had fun with it !

Sooo cute i loved it :3

Found this visual novel from the person below, Marinya. A nice adorable short romantic visual novel that will makes you heart go fluff. Already unlock Poffin and Baezel ending, seems five more to go.

Love the art style indeed.

Okay, now I've unlocked Periwinkle and Olog ending. They both looks so different in personality lol. With Periwinkle looking adorable and Olog looks cool.

Finally we got Jammmmm, should've go for her from the start. Jam and Marzipan was so precious, they both are very awkward at each other at first but then when they both accept each other it looks nice. Strudle was adorable too, kind of a ditzy but a good puppy nonetheless. Vinegar was just.... lol. Poor vinegar.


 This game is so cute! I made a game about a human dressed as a witch who goes to a monster costume party, and someone told me that this game also had a witch (a real witch though) who goes to a supernatural party, soI decided to try it!

 This game has a bunch of options, and all of the routes are cute! Every time we got a kiss CG I went "aawww!". The MC was really cute and likeable too. 100% recommend!


cool graphics, v cute artstyle. overall wholesome. it's cool that the game has ten endings, but I feel like once you choose to go through with someone's route, there's nothing wrong you can pick, so a kiss end is pretty much guaranteed. I liked the diversity, I wish you could kinda screw up your hookup by saying the wrong thing at the wrong time tho lolz


I played the mobile version of this but had to come buy it here to support you.

This game is SOOOOOO cute. I love Marzipan and all the others. It was a blast play through every route to find all the endings. Super cute and super fun and just all around super!

Keep up the great work!


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HI! I playing before meet you on ... You're a inspiration to dev my own visual novels <3

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