Downloaded it, playread it, and awww, this was so sweet, fluffy, cute and most of all: warm-hearted! So I came back to give you some cash for it, because - despite it being relatively short - I absolutely loved it!
Also, the art looks very simple, but is somehow just pleasant to look at.
Just went through the art collection and the prologue comic before writing this comment. Beautiful!
This is exactly the kind of stuff I need in my life, so thank you for making this! :)
A very cute game! The story was very interesting and it gave off some good Halloween vibes! I really enjoyed it! The art and music in this project was top-tier! 10/10 would recommend!
I fucking love this man, it's soooo fucking cute!!! I actually wanted to see some H-actions, but this is good enough to make me reconsider. Thank you for making this game, its really fucking good. Would play it again 9/10.
A cute, pay-what-you-want romantic kinetic novel about an angel and a demon becoming friends and girlfriends. Features brief mentions of porn for comedic effect. One secondary character is asexual and demons are implied to commonly be aromantic. 4/5 stars - excellent.
Hey Nami !! Tudo certo? Hum .. Will you make new games? Se assim for ... Hmmm. Estou pensando em um jogo um pouco inspirado no Contract Demon
°. "Um vampiro está apaixonado por ... UM HUMANO ?!"
Tempo: 20-40 minutos
História: 'Juju e Marcy são amigos desde a infância, mas ... Marcy esconde um segredo: Ela é uma vampira! E ela é (secretamente) apaixonada por ela! E se o segredo "voar"?
Título do jogo, arte, música, etc: Bem ... Você escolhe !! Haha!
(Se você quiser, também pode fazer quadrinhos! (Como o jogo Contract Demon haha!))
Finais alternativos: SIM !! 4 finais (Final bom, Final ruim, Final dos sonhos, Final do pesadelo)
Namiii~~~ I LOVE your games~! specially this one~! I think this is my favorite, and maybe the lonely treat series, I even cried with one of those! what drawing program do you use? I want to make my games too, I even have the Ren'Py script made by myself alone! You are my IDOL and my stile seems somewhat to yours, please don't mind that :')
well, thankyou for doing those~! Pd: could you consider translating this one to spanish? I want to show it to my couple but he doesn't speak english and sitting there translating it for him could be awkward, so, could you please do it? but only if you can, well, thankyou!!
And yes! I will make my best effort into my games! I already created the Patreon page, and also one in Tumblr and another onw in a comic site named Webtoon, part of the next step will be to finnally post my games soon, I'm so excited!
← Return to game
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soo cuteee
Way too good. Funny, kinky, wholesome; everything I wanted
So cute with the page cover I'm gonna play the actual game now
WAY TO CUTE (Highly Recommended)
Super cute and funny, definitely recommend!
very good game! It's cute af and has a great history, I highly recommend it if you haven free time.
Downloaded it, playread it, and awww, this was so sweet, fluffy, cute and most of all: warm-hearted! So I came back to give you some cash for it, because - despite it being relatively short - I absolutely loved it!
Also, the art looks very simple, but is somehow just pleasant to look at.
Just went through the art collection and the prologue comic before writing this comment. Beautiful!
This is exactly the kind of stuff I need in my life, so thank you for making this! :)
you sure know alot about that...
It was cute but it was not really a game, more like a comic. Good job tho
A very cute game! The story was very interesting and it gave off some good Halloween vibes! I really enjoyed it! The art and music in this project was top-tier! 10/10 would recommend!
Cute af
This helped me so much calming down after many issues I couldn't recover, it's so soft and hope-giving, thanks a lot ;3
This was less of a game, and more of a story. I did enjoy this a lot though!!
I actually really enjoyed this! I can tell a lot fo effort was put into this and it totally paid off! Just suggested this to my friends! I loved it! <
best and most wholesome vn i’ve read to date <3 excellent work
It was super adorable. I enjoyed the exprience. Sad there were no options though.
OMG that's was so cute ;-; *sniff*
anyway if you want to translate this game to Thai language .... let's me help you <33
i'm waiting for part 2
cant fool me! i knew i recognized that face atleast a tiny bit!
finally i found someone who realizes it besides me XD
That was so cute and sweet,,, you did a wonderful job
I fucking love this man, it's soooo fucking cute!!! I actually wanted to see some H-actions, but this is good enough to make me reconsider. Thank you for making this game, its really fucking good. Would play it again 9/10.
A cute, pay-what-you-want romantic kinetic novel about an angel and a demon becoming friends and girlfriends. Features brief mentions of porn for comedic effect. One secondary character is asexual and demons are implied to commonly be aromantic. 4/5 stars - excellent.
(Eu sou menina, ok ?!)
Hey Nami !! Tudo certo? Hum .. Will you make new games? Se assim for ... Hmmm. Estou pensando em um jogo um pouco inspirado no Contract Demon
°. "Um vampiro está apaixonado por ... UM HUMANO ?!"
Tempo: 20-40 minutos
História: 'Juju e Marcy são amigos desde a infância, mas ... Marcy esconde um segredo: Ela é uma vampira! E ela é (secretamente) apaixonada por ela! E se o segredo "voar"?
Título do jogo, arte, música, etc: Bem ... Você escolhe !! Haha!
(Se você quiser, também pode fazer quadrinhos! (Como o jogo Contract Demon haha!))
Finais alternativos: SIM !! 4 finais (Final bom, Final ruim, Final dos sonhos, Final do pesadelo)
Traduções: Português, Coreano, Espanhol, Francês, Japonês, Alemão, etc
Plataformas: PC (Windows, Mac, Linux), Android e iOS .°
Eu sou um grande fã dos seus jogos! Eu nunca perguntei sobre novos jogos e tal ...
Se você quiser, pode até baixar TODOS OS JOGOS (para celular) e GRAVAÇÃO DE JOGOS (sem comentários) !!!
Ou ... Pague com meu próprio dinheiro !! (que eu tenho)
Ah!! Translate ALL games into English (If you want), except ... "Syrup And The Ultimate Sweet" (I luv this game, too!! 💜)
OK? Tchau !! ; 3
PS: Você é menino ou menina? And yes, I'm Brazillian (If this comment is in Portuguese)
Namiii~~~ I LOVE your games~! specially this one~! I think this is my favorite, and maybe the lonely treat series, I even cried with one of those! what drawing program do you use? I want to make my games too, I even have the Ren'Py script made by myself alone! You are my IDOL and my stile seems somewhat to yours, please don't mind that :')
well, thankyou for doing those~! Pd: could you consider translating this one to spanish? I want to show it to my couple but he doesn't speak english and sitting there translating it for him could be awkward, so, could you please do it? but only if you can, well, thankyou!!
thank you for playing my games! i draw with clip studio paint. i hope you're able to make the games you want!
you can change this game's language in the options menu, it actually already has a spanish translation! hope your friend enjoys :)
Clip Studio Paint! I'll try! Thankyou~!
Really?! :O I didn't know, surely I haven't updated, thankyou!!!
And yes! I will make my best effort into my games! I already created the Patreon page, and also one in Tumblr and another onw in a comic site named Webtoon, part of the next step will be to finnally post my games soon, I'm so excited!
Good luck, man!
I'm a girl but thankyou unknown! ;DDD
I willl be posting an introduction comic (free to download) soon!!
can you try putting this in IOS ;-;
it costs $100/year to put up a game on the app store, unfortunately i can't afford it :( thanks for understanding
This was adorable, i love your work. keep being awesome!
I played this VN on my phone and loved it!
They're so adorable it hurts. Super fun, cute and sweet
Aaaahhhh so cute
I LOVE this game. AND it's art style UwU Teach me your way of the arts.
Cute funny game love it so far.
cute funny and quirky. Although it did feel like i was reading a compa x iffy fan fic
Ah i see, you are a man of culture as well.
contract demon2?
So...a fake angel and fake demon love each other...
Would it be a relationship built on lies?
...That sounds morbid.
i want to see more in time
Like it a lot<3
cute, heart-warming story with beautiful artstyle
♥ and it's very nice love story
Nice story lil random but still cool