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Does anyone know how to get the second ending? It's probably really obvious but I can't figure it out

(1 edit) (+11)(-8)

The game is well written, but I found the rating system unnerving. Many of the options that result in your character telling jokes or talking about herself result in worse final scores compared to the more "customer-servicey" options. A run where my character expressed self-doubt and sadness about being discriminated against for being a succubus had a 40% lower score than a run where I just clicked the obvious try-to-seem-helpful options.

In this way, the game reproduces capitalism's logic of domination of service workers.


I can understand your concerns. Capitalism does indeed treat ordinary workers cruelly and callously, only showing interest in them as tools to help make profits for greedy rich people, and not as living, feeling people with needs and dreams. This is an awful, unjust way of doing things.
However, I'm not sure if it's really fair to suggest such treatment in this game. Qmin gets rated by her customer, Chloe, based on what Chloe personally felt about Qmin's service. What you have to remember about Chloe is that she is quite shy and nervous and inexperienced when it comes to sexual matters. So, Qmin has to be careful to put her at ease and make her feel comfortable, otherwise Chloe won't get what she wants out of the session. It's understandable that Qmin talking about sad parts of her life would make Chloe uneasy, because people generally feel bad when people talk to them about bad things that happen in their life. Also, that sort of talk might make Chloe doubt Qmin's professionalism, and make her feel less confident about Qmin's advice.
I don't think this is a case of 'This sex advice worker expressed personal feelings and vulnerabilities! Workers aren't supposed to act like real people, they're only supposed to be mindless, efficient machines to make money!' I think it's more a case of 'This sex advice worker acted too casually and thoughtlessly, and didn't consider her client's feelings enough, and that meant that the client didn't get as much out of the session as she could have.'
When a client is recieving some kind of service, I don't think it's unreasonable for that client to expect some level of professionalism, or some level of cheerfulness, if that's what would make the client feel at ease. Even in a fairer, kinder, non-capitalist system, I expect people recieving this kind of service would still want to be treated like that.
Of course, this could also be because Qmin only serves ONE client in this game. If she served several different clients, with different needs and different personalities, then maybe they woud rate her differently - maybe they would like it if she was more jokey or expressed more of her vulnerabilities.


yeah, i agree, its about being a bit professional, and having boundaries


Huh, that's interesting. What sounded like customer-service language to you sounded just like therapy language to me.


yeah, me too


Please do the russian translation, I want to play but can't 😔

This was my second time playying a nomnomnami game, this was actually super wholesome because I didnt know what to expect when i saw it was an 18+ game

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amei esse jogo,ele é muito fofo,bem ambientado e com otimos diálogos, todos são tão parecidos com a vida real que até me fez achar que era eu mesma falando kkkkk(gírias e a forma casual). As artes e design do jogo são perfeitas. Sempre gostei muito dos seus jogos,obrigada por mais esse projeto incrível e a tradução impecável(ainda não consegui pegar o final do meio 😭😭😭).💖🇧🇷


Absolutely loved this game! The dialogue and their way of talking felt so lifelike, and the visuals and the way you can see both girls as they chat gave it a very special touch. If someday you decide to make a longer version with more clients I'd really love to play it.


This game is so nice, I love the mechanics of exchanging messages, like "Emily is Away", it brought me that nostalgia. I loved the connection that the two characters generate through a 2 hour conversation, even though they are completely different from each other...

I even identify myself with Qmin, I'm always the person in the group that is always trying to teach, listen and be welcome in sexual matters, not that I'm some kind of professional LOL anyway, the game is perfect and the ending that took me the longest was the 3rd one, but other than that it was a piece of cake.

I Really love this game!^^ can you please add more costumers? :D btw i love the personality of chloe<3

Honestly so cute, I love the topics that were touched and given tehir respect as well as acknwoledging the different types of people er, demons I guess? Not only that but that was such a cute story and depending on the ending, great as well! I got the last two ones and I dunno about the first three but I don't wanna hurt our lil Ghosty!!

It was really cute!

so far i got 3 endings. second nomnomnami game, great stuff!

I got one ending already and let me say it so cute!!!! Your games never fail to impress me Nami!


Hört sich schon sehr cool an!

Was ist eigentlich mit deutscher Sprachversion?


wait a minute why the Chinese translator is 1145???

1145 in China means smelly,AHHHHHHH


When I came up with this name, I had no idea about this additional meaning haha. Anyway, hope you enjoy the game! :)


感謝您的翻譯 十分的通俗易懂!! 順便一提114514這個meme是來源於日本的一個色色的東西xxx

Thank you for your translation it is very easy to understand and fully embodies the original meaning! By the way 114514 this meme is the source of a gv in Japan



ahh, this was adorable! i'm really struggling to get the 3rd ending ;-;  i'll get it someday. . .


I found the game really fun! I got all four endings fairly easily(back to back, 5,3,4,2) then I had a hard time with the first one(I figured getting her super uncomfortable would do the trick) turned out I was right and was just missing a few options, But I didn't wanna make her sad, maybe I'm just bad at making people sad lol. Either way, good job I'll check some of your other games now!

I have gotten exactly one ending, and once again, nami, you never disapoint, I almost died from the cuteness.

I loved this game omg

aaaaa this is such a neat game!! :D i rlly love the dialogue & theme in general . would love to see more ^_^

im wondering how youre supposed get the 2nd and 3rd ending tho , any help is appreciated ;0

(1 edit)

How do I get the third ending tho.. (other than that great game!❤)


czekam na PL!!!! :)

It was a really cute and kinky game i got the 5 endings and it was fun :D

hii i wanted to ask how you got the third ending?

Surprisingly cozy despite the slightly lewd subject ^^ But  the writing is just
so good it really makes you feel as if you're reading a discord log.

this game is ADORABLE i like everything about it I really hope this is not just gonna be for game jam but I can see it being  as an amazing project 


Sadly I didn't have the cash to support, but TBH I would play a like full release of this it's so cute. Even if I have a bad feeling I'd only get like 1-2 endings out of fear of screwing it up down other paths. but this is so adorable and I love it and AAAAAAAAAA


I loved this game's idea, the character design is so cute and the chat was so fun and creative! I wish more characters were available!!

Very cool concept. +I love the chara design, the ryhtm in the writing, the puns and the music. Everything's neat  (^o^)/~*~*~


I loved this game so much,the art style was so adorable including the little ghost girl,I loved the music that played as well I liked how you could switch to different songs absolutely enjoyed it 10/10.


Soooo cute!! I had the hardest time trying to get the bad endings, but i got there eventually. I hope this gets expanded on more or the concept is at least explored. Much Love!

LOVED THIS GAME !! i just cant figure out how to get my last ending



why only one client? This is great!


there is 2 clients in this game!


A good game!But the laws of China didn’t let me record this game and update the video…(Bilibili)

Hope the newer version!!!




Help I can't gey the last ending ;-;




Really love the artstyle and the game <3


Anyone knows how to get first in a list ending??? I got only 4 of them:((


You have to make Chloe as uncomfortable as possible in order to get the first ending. The least obvious part is that you have to make sure to choose to talk about RP when prompted, and then bring up ABO!


ABO? Is that Omegaverse related? Can see how that could make someone who doesnt like that reaally uncomfortable


Honestly, this was an adorable game. I played it on my channel. And I saw what you did with that bonus song at the end. I love it so much, thank you!


this game is incredibly sweet! i absolutely adored the vibes and it was so fun getting to see a vn in this kind of format ^w^


Love the art! It took me a bit, but was able to get all 5 endings Tho I did feel a bit guilty when getting the uncomfortable ending. The format of the game being a chatroom was super cool.


neeedd spanish version😍

The Spanish version is out now!

thank you!!!

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