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The 15x15 puzzles is goes slow.

This is so cute and fun!


Can you make an Android version I am really looking forward to it cause all your games are just soooo amazing and I really love the art style!

amazing game! would love for more levels :)

Hi Nami! Huge fan of your games, but I am running into a problem. 

For some reason, the sound of the game keeps stopping when I begin the first puzzle (the tutorial puzzle), and then when I try to quit, the game crashes. When I reopen the game, there is no sound whatsoever. 

Could this be a bug? I hope it's fixable, really wanted to play. :( 

Thanks for reading! 

how strange, i've never heard of something like this happening... is there a screen when it crashes, or does it just close out of the game automatically? i know sometimes games won't run correctly if you don't unzip the folder first... what system are you playing on? i hope you can get it working haha

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Whenever I try to close the game after the sound goes away it gives me that screen where it says the game isn't responding (it says it's not responding and gives the option to close). Just before that, though, the screen gives that faint tint of white. 

As for the system that I'm playing on it is Windows. I also did extract the game correctly. I've never heard of something like this happening either so I am very much confused as well lol.

weird!! i genuinely can't think of what would be causing that... i'm sorry i can't help more ;_;

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That's okay! I'll try redownloading when I get the chance. If it still doesn't work, I'll wait for the Android release if there is one. 

I also have all your other games to play, so it's all good! ^_^ 

(OH WAIT I don't have "Bad End Theatre" yet. I'm hoping to get it sometime though!)

WAIT YOU CAN DO PICROSS IN RENPY??? if u put up a tutorial/example code I would def pay money for it I've been wanting to make a picross type game but don't understand complicated coding @w@;;

This looks super cute tho excited to try it out when I get some free time!


yes! i want to share my code the same as with the syrup rpg framework, i just need to spend some time cleaning it up and making it run more efficiently (since it slows down a lot on larger grids depending on your computer)

i hope more people will make picross games, since i love playing them! hehe, enjoy this one when you get a chance :)

Oh that's so exciting to hear! I can't wait! :))

This game is how gigachads play picross. Very cute and relaxing :)

Cutesy lo-fi Witch Puzzle Game | Charm Studies

Very cute game. The music was very nice and the puzzles were just challenging enough. All around a very chill and great experience. Keep up the great work!!

Sweet game with nice music that you can listen to after you finish it and cool art.

Cute!  I like how the game discusses things like privilege in a subtle way. Also Picross is fun.

She's like me, She's like me fr

(1 edit) (+1)

// Epilogue 3

Is Cassia, like....y'know (*゚ェ゚*)

I adore this game sm, a combo of my favorite puzzle and a wonderful story!! It was short and very sweet <3


As awesome as all of your games! I feel I might actually be able to offer advice for once, so please forgive my intrusion. I noticed that the game lagged a bit on the 15x15 puzzles, and, since you're using ren'py (and by extension, python) I have a few tips. What might be causing the lag is that you're drawing every single square to the screen, instead of say, using the grid as a background, or using an image library. If you are already, it might be because you're looping through every single cell and running checks on them all every frame. Maybe try limiting the scope? I'd give more advice, but I don't know if you're using a 1d or 2d array.
Anyway, the game is [bleep]ing awesome, as are all your games, and I loved it. I will go back to enjoying your content from the shadows now.


So cute! The game is also feeling soothing!

As a Picross lover, I really enjoyed this! Cute and relaxing, and props for letting the player hide the timer if they don't feel like rushing <3
I wonder how one even goes about implementing something like this in Ren'Py, though... it must've required a lot of work OTL
So thank you once again for making this!!


wow this actually taught be how to do picross lol

great story! the characters are nice and the story has a sweet ending

very cool! <3


oh my god hi i posted earlier already but now i just beat all the extra puzzles and the extra epilogue makes me happy

whoevers reading this please beat the extra puzzles

the epilogue option you can unlock is sweet as hell and its totally worth it if you liked the base story

thank you for adding this 

(1 edit)

This was cute.  A little laggy as I did the puzzles (which could be my computer being dumb) but the characters were adorable and their interaction felt natural.  The music was nice, the puzzles fun, and the game overall was short but very sweet.

Thanks for making this!


this is the first game on that felt so polished and clean. love the soundtrack and story <3

I am so happy to play a new game of yours, they are so relaxing and the art is so cute. I love the fact that all the characters have a story and there are always new characters and characters from other games.  The first game I played was "Her tears were my light" and you are a great inspiration to me.  I want to make my own games, and yours give me the motivation to continue with that dream <3

O jogo é visualmente belo!


There's a joke that goes around some art communities called the Hatsune Miku tax: essentially, it's artist etiquette to have at least drawn Hatsune Miku once in your art career. It's half of the reason why Miku is drawn so much, the other being the popularity of her character, vocals and design.

Anyways, if you are queer, then playing a NomnomNami game is the Hatsune Miku tax equivalent for playing visual novels. Play this if you haven't done your taxes, you won't regret it. 


As a queer artist who loves Miku I can confirm


You havent made a single bad game yet...


I just finished the game and completed the gallery and I learned that I find picross really relaxing. I love seeing characters in your world getting more development and it makes replaying the older games a little more fun for me! Now like with all your other games, I'm excited to look at the art book. Really cute and wholesome, thank you!


This is my first experience attempting picross, so it took me a little while before I clicked how these things work- I really felt like Cassia as I went through things haha; (though no fault of the game itself, the tutorial explained things just fine!) I ended up really enjoying it! Making mini pictures to progress was really fun!

I mean this as high praise- this feels a little like some small nintendo DS puzzle title with adorable graphics I'd have played as a kid and still feel nostalgic for ♥ Such a cute game! 

I think it kinda goes without saying, but the Ren'Py usage is so impressive, I'm certainly inspired- so yeah, fantastic job, I loved it!!


omg thank you!! i downloaded your game earlier today and i was excited to play it hehe. so glad you enjoyed!!!!!


Ahh thank you, I'm happy you liked it enough to want to check it out!! ;0; ♥


Ah, what a nice game ;_;

I was really happy about how compassionately both Cassia and Senna are treated... having read Starry Flowers, it's nice to know Cassia finds happiness..! I hope Senna does, too - she struck me as the "gifted kid burnout" type, so I got really worried by the last day! (And the epilogue!)

The puzzles are really fun, too! To think that this is all renpy... that's amazing... The patterns are cute, and the difficulty curve is really gentle. I was really happy to see more of them in the gallery afterwards!

I skipped the tutorial, so I can't speak to that, but even without the verbal explanation ahead of time, it's easy to find a nice starting point in the early ones, and it felt like some of the intermediate concepts are just kind of naturally taught through the puzzles themselves..? And then it really ramps up for the bonus ones! Oh, and I liked the short thoughts in the music gallery, too... so much charm in such a short VN!


I've always avoided playing picross puzzle games because I had no idea what they were about/how to play but this was super fun ! 

Sidenote: I think it's super cute that Cassia continued to keep her hair short as an adult too


Super nice game it made me really happy to play and read through! The only thing I noticed that was off is generally nonogram games don't grey out the numbers until the player has solved to one of the edges (so for instance, the 111 column in the center of the lesson 5 screenshot would normally not grey out the middle 1 until the squares to the previous box are X'd out since there are still squares that *could* be marked between those two filled in squares, even if they're not ultimately the correct answer)

It's not a huge deal but it did make some of the later puzzles easier to solve since the player is given that information. Regardless, it's a solid little game with a cute story and I enjoyed it a lot. Great job Nami!

Omg! This is so cute! I love the picross puzzles! And the color scheme is really nice in this game. :)

Lovely game!! I love picross puzzles, and Cassia is so relatable to me haha. Amazing as always Nami!

The game's finally out!


Aw yis new nonogram game thankies


port of android? 😔


i want to, but it will take some time!

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You don't have to wait joiplay can run ren'py games but you need the ren'py plugin from the public beta from Patreon you don't need to give them money but I recommend it if you want more ren'py games to be playable on Android because contrary to what they claim 90% of rpgmaker games work and 30% of ren'py games work when you have the very latest beta or for some reason the may 2021 version idk why it works as good as the latest trying to get tyrano game that have video in it is like cbt without counter strike installed


a fun little nonogram game cute characters to also suprising amount of magic lore for such a short game 10 out of 10 worth more than 3 bucks to me


i think im into picross puzzles now i never knew what they were or what they did or how they worked,, this is kinda fun

thank you for the enlightening experience and the nice vibes that go with it!!


Soo cute

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