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Such a charming game! I enjoyed it so much, the art style is just adorable and the story is wonderful. I really adore your games! Thank you so much for this lovely experience! <3


I adore your games so much! They always seem to contain that perfect mixture of humor, heartbreak, and warm, comfy fuzzies. This one is no exception. <3 Your games all knit together into a beautiful tapestry that I enjoy immersing myself in, especially in dark times.


an addon i forgot to mention to the last comment

i'd love to see more chronically ill characters in future nomnomnami games. not a criticism, just a hope! i love this game and i wish i could recommend it to my chronically ill friend but i fear it is too triggering. it'd be cool to have a game where a character is chronically ill and the subject of death does not come up, so i can share it and say "look this character is just like you"... something to consider, or not consider, obviously it's your games and i'm just a rando, i don't wanna infringe on nobody's creativity lmao. i love your games either way! thank you so much for making them.


made me cry

as someone who has a chronically ill loved one this hit me really hard. the most compassionate handling of the subject i've seen in any media.

great art, sound, gameplay. my ONLY criticism is the flashing "click customers to get more money!" thing when you get too low to plant anything. it felt a little redundant after the first few times, like yes game i know i'm just bad at finance lmao

i also feel like there could be a challenge mode where you have to keep planting to reach certain numbers because the plants are gradually bought by customers?? just an idea! loved this.


thank you so much! yeah i can definitely turn off that little tutorial tip after a while haha. a challenge mode sounds interesting too...! i'll see if i can do something like that for a future update.

in response to your second comment as well, i can absolutely do that! i agree this one is pretty heavy, so it'd be nice to have a much lighter story with chronically ill characters next time. this is really great feedback, thank you again!!


thank you so much 🥺 you're one of the best devs ever. i was trying to think of like a good word to describe the atmosphere of this game and i want to say like... "tranquil"? like the sort of calm when you stand in a cemetery in daylight and it's comfortably warm and a little breezy. it's peaceful but solemn. just honestly a really therapeutic experience with a really compassionate handling of grief. i can't wait for your next title!



- "Sonic movie 2" eggman's minion i forgot he's name


glad to see a new game from you


Holy Shit New Game!!!



(2 edits) (+4)

————————⚠️major spoilers warning⚠️————————

Uuuuuuuu this game is so touching I was LITERALLY bawling my eyes out when I realized that Cas actually passed away😢and the artwork is superb as always😭djhvbfjwifhsklajcvhijk

Like I actually still have tears left on my face when making this comment (once again THIS GAME IS SO GOOD

Just finished it! Cassava’s theme was SO addicting. And VINEGAR!!! It made me happy to see her again, even though her story is so sad. I really relate to her, as someone who feels hopeless because of health conditions myself, and I hope she can find happiness in the future…

You did good, it's a good game.


I always love your games nami, I liked the little side task of growing the plants and such. I hope you'll experiment more with little side games in the future. Also liked the story, can't wait to see some of the characters again in later stories :D


Poor Vinegar... I have no experience with chronic illness, so this game was kind of a learning experience for me.

The customers are super cutely designed <3 Though I was a bit surprised that they were just giving me money for free and not actually buying any of my plants...

love all your games so much the character design and stories are always so amazing :D

EEEEEEEEEEE! I’m so glad to see this I could squeal!


minor spoilers........

Thank you Nomnomnami. Always loved your games but this one hit me to my very core.

wow. Where do I begin

The situation some characters are (were) in? Chronic (and largely invisible) illness from a young age (or birth, for me)? The pressure of being told to keep going and the high hopes and expectations they can project? Being kept alive (but not living by any stretch) by medications that wreck other things, how it all can get so much worse with the passage of time.. ("you can laugh about it" after the 30th time massive internal bleeding made you spew blood like a horror b-movie). Having to give very REAL thought to how much is worth it...? 

You hit it all. I do not know if this is something you, too, have dealt with firsthand or if you are just very well informed, but you made me feel so seen and less alone with you adorable lil witches.. YET AGAIN, voicing from the perspective of the I'll, and in reminding us what we'd be doing to the people who love us if... yaknow. >< You make such cute witchbois and such small, powerful narratives! You're amazing and I wanted you to really know it and give a very real thanks. >< 

P.S. you hooked me on witchbois. I see witchy art: I ask WHERE THE WITCHBOIS!? 😳🤤


i'm so glad it resonated with you! my experience is only secondhand, so i was really nervous hoping i would be able to portray it well. i'm really happy to hear that it hit for you!!

thanks for loving witch boys too <3 your comment made me so happy to read :)


well your games have that effect on many of us soooo.. glad i can pay it forward! I'd be super interested to swap tales with you but 8 inow thay might be asking a bit much. But you really hit it from both sides with this and it was oddly cathartic to feel so understood and not alone with it. cheers :x 


I love this game!

finished the game and omg i loved every bit of it!! i will try to get the epilogues later as i'm tired and overwhelmed after the full playthrough ( periwinkle's story hit pretty close to home.. ) so i'll maybe come back again later!! also omg you don't know how excited i was to see a notification for a new game being released!! i see you are really working hard to make these games as they continue to be so interactive and filled with more features each time, i also really appreciated the little animations of astra and on the character profiles!! keep it up and i hope you have a great day!! 

Oh hello trifecta of things I'm hooked on: management sims, vns, and clickers.  This will be a blast, your work is lovely as always!

new game LET'S GOOOOOO

I love this game so much, it was a great experience, the twist really surprised me and also heartbreaking and although i have no money, i will always support your games, keep up the quality!!!!!!!

i also found a small bug where if you're on the story menu and then a customer comes and you press exit the customer would disappear with the menu


this is actually intended... if i leave the customers on, you can click them from underneath the menu, so i had to compromise. gonna see if i can find a workaround in a future update though, because you're right, it does feel wrong!

anyway thanks for playing my game <3 glad you enjoyed it!

I wish to see more of your games in the future


New nami game just dropped lets GOOOOOoooooooooooo

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